Become a Poll Worker

Help advance democracy in Hamilton County.

Poll Workers are critical to every election. We’re always looking for registered voters who can contribute to our democratic process. You’ll even be paid for your time.

How it Works

1 Apply
2 Receive Board Appointment
3 Attend Training
4 Work the Election
5 Get Paid for Your Service
Access PEO Portal or Apply Now

Poll Worker Opportunities

Join us in recruiting Poll Workers from local schools, businesses, and nonprofits As a bipartisan organization, we want to encourage people across parties to help support our local democratic process.

Get your group involved in the democratic process in Hamilton County

For high school students:

Youth at the Booth

PLEASE NOTE: APPLICATIONS FOR YOUTH AT THE BOOTH FOR THE FALL 2024 PRESIDENTIAL GENERAL ELECTION ARE CLOSED. Local high schools can join this program to encourage students (ages 17+) to be poll workers on Election Day and get first-hand experience in our democratic process. Find out how your high school can get involved in the program.

Learn more about Youth at the Booth

For local companies:

Partners in Democracy

Through Partners in Democracy, participating organizations help the Board of Elections find qualified people within their organizations, giving them encouragement and incentives to become Poll Workers.

Learn about Partners in Democracy

For nonprofits:

Devoted to Service

Participating nonprofits can recruit volunteers and patrons to be Poll Workers, who in turn pledge to donate their Poll Worker pay to your organization. It’s a great way to support the democratic process and raise money for your cause.

Learn about Devoted to Service

For attorneys:

CLE with the BOE

Attorneys earn Free Continuing Legal Education credits and compensation for their time by being a Poll Worker in Hamilton County.

Learn about CLE with BOE

PEO Roles and Responsibilities

Precinct Election Officials (PEOs) conduct assigned duties at a polling location on Election Day.

Duties can include:

  1. Issuing ballots to registered voters
  2. Explaining how to mark the ballot
  3. Monitoring the voting equipment
  4. Setting up and taking down equipment
  5. Closing polls
  6. Properly completing the required forms

There are three types of PEO roles on Election Day.

Voting Location Manager (VLM)

  • Picks up the supplies for the election on the Saturday before Election Day at a location near the polling place
  • Coordinates all activities at the polling place at the Monday Night Set-Up and throughout Election Day
  • Reports any problems to the Board of Elections
  • Returns the ballots and supplies to the Ballot Drop Off location

Voting Location Deputy (VLD)

  • May pick up the supplies for the election on the Saturday before Election Day at a location near the polling place
  • Assists the VLM with responsibilities and procedures at the polling place
  • Must accompany the VLM, in the same car, to the Ballot Drop Off location

Precinct Election Official (PEO)

  • Participates in all activities at the Monday Night Set-Up and on Election Day
  • Assists the VLM and instructs each voter about the voting procedures at the polling place


To be a PEO, one must:

  • Be a registered and active voter in Hamilton County
  • Be a United States Citizen
  • Be able to speak, read and write fluently in the English language
  • Be comfortable using electronic technology
  • NOT be a candidate for any office to be voted on at the polling place at that election
  • NOT be a convicted Felon

Time Requirements

Training Class: 3 – 3.5 hours

Monday Night Set-Up before an election: 6:30 to 8:30 p.m.

Election Day Tuesday: 5:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. usually 


Voting Location Manager (VLM)
Supply Pick Up/Ballot Return$10.00
Cell Phone Usage$10.00
Training Class$62.00
Monday Night Set-Up$70.00
Election Day$133.00
Voting Location Deputy - Supplies (VLDS)
Ballot Return$5.00
Training Class$55.00
Monday Night Set-Up$52.00
Election Day$133.00
Precinct Election Official (PEO)
Training Class$55.00
Monday Night Set-Up$37.00
Election Day$133.00

Advance democracy in Hamilton County

Election Day Poll Workers are critical to every election, and we always need more. If you’re a registered voter, you can receive training and be paid for your time.

Apply Now