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Couldn’t find what you were looking for? We’re here to answer questions and make sure you’re equipped to vote.
Answers to the most commonly asked questions.
Can I request an absentee vote by mail ballot online?
No. Ohio law requires all absentee vote by mail applications to be in paper form with an original signature.
How can I have an absentee vote by mail application form sent to me?
You can download the application or call the Board at 513-946-8544 or 513-946-8539. You can also pick up applications at the Board office – 4700 Smith Road, in Norwood or at any of the Hamilton County Library Branches.
Click here to get the absentee vote-by-mail application.
Voters with disabilities who have installed special software on their computers can use the Remote Ballot Marking System.
Why have I received multiple absentee vote-by-mail applications?
Other groups and organizations send applications to their targeted voters. You only need to send in one application, and it must be on a form prescribed by the Ohio Secretary of State.
Where can I drop off my completed absentee vote-by-mail ballot?
In Hamilton County, there is a 24/hour secure drive-thru drop box at the Board of Elections office – 4700 Smith Road in Norwood.
Where do I go to vote early, in-person?
You can absentee vote early, in-person at the Board office – 4700 Smith Road in Norwood.
Click here for the current absentee voting early, in-person dates/times.
Or, you can vote at your polling location on Election Day, hours are 6:30am to 7:30pm.
Click here to find your polling location.
Can I vote in-person after I requested an absentee vote-by-mail ballot?
Yes. If you requested an absentee vote-by-mail ballot and did not vote it, you can absentee vote early, in-person at the Board or at your polling place on Election Day. You may be required to vote provisionally until the Board determines your absentee vote-by-mail ballot was not used.
I moved since I last voted, can I still vote in the upcoming election?
Yes. You can contact the Board (below) and find your new polling place or vote early, in-person at the Board office.
In both cases, you will vote your ballot and place it in a provisional envelope. The envelope is a change of address form, and once your registration is verified, your ballot will be counted and address updated.
To change your address with the Board, visit our Change of Name or Address page.
Are provisional ballots only counted in close elections?
No. After the provisional ballots are received at the Board, following Election Day, they are reviewed to make sure the voter was registered and eligible to cast the ballot. Then the ballot is counted in the official count. All validly cast ballots are counted in Hamilton County. On average, 90% of provisional ballots cast in Hamilton County are counted.
How do I know if my provisional ballot will be counted?
Poll workers will give a provisional voter a hot-line number to call to check the status of their ballot.
How do I select or change my party affiliation designation?
In Ohio, party affiliation is based on the party ballot selected at a primary. In most cases, voters can choose a democratic, republican or issues only ballot – although sometimes there are minor party options. Your party affiliation will stay on your voting record for two years or until you select a party ballot at a new primary.
How do I sign up to be a poll worker?
Can I train online to be a poll worker?
Poll workers are required to attend an in-person training class, scheduled with their PEO Supervisor. Online training serves as a refresher before Election Day only, and completion of the refresher is not a sufficient condition for being a poll worker.
How do I get an issue on the ballot?
Visit this page to find all the information needed to get an issue on the ballot.
How can I be a candidate for elected office?
We recommend that you visit the Board office at 4700 Smith Road in Norwood. There are many types of elected offices and petitions. Board staff can assist and you can also pick up campaign finance information and materials.
During a Behind the Ballot Tour, you will get a behind the scenes look at all these processes and more! Whether it is the recruiting and training of over 2,000 poll workers, running the Early Vote Center, conducting audits, or maintaining an accurate voter registration database with almost 600,000 voters, the work of running elections goes beyond Election Day. This tour will show you how election officials work year-round to deliver free and fair elections in Hamilton County.
Tours last approximately 90 minutes and can accommodate 20-50 participants. To request a tour for your organization, complete this form.
Hamilton County Board of Elections
4700 Smith Road
Cincinnati Ohio 45212-9002
Hours & Phone
Business Office:
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:00pm
Phone: 513-946-8500
Fax: 513-946-8560