The Hamilton County Board of Elections (BOE) is looking to build partnerships with local public and private entities to assist in providing a skilled workforce at each polling location in Hamilton County on Election Day.
As the election process becomes more technologically advanced, it is critical that poll workers be able to understand and apply these new technologies. Private and public sector employees are an exceptional source of trained, adaptable, and tech-savvy workers to meet this ongoing need. PEOs are trained election workers whose duties include setting up polls and processing voters. PEOs are compensated for training and Election Day work—and county employees may be eligible for both their agency’s daily compensation as well as the Board of Election’s pay, and without having to take a vacation day or LWOP.
Our partner organizations will be acknowledged for their participation on our website and social media outlets.
WHAT we are asking your organization
To be a Partner in Democracy with the BOE by making information available to your employees about signing up to be a Hamilton County PEO. This can be accomplished in many ways and we would like to meet with you to see how we can Partner Up.
WHO can be a PEO
- Must be a registered and active voter in Hamilton County, Ohio
- Must be able to read and write the English language
- Must have transportation to the polling place and to the training classes
- NOT be a candidate for any office to be voted on at the polling place at the election
- NOT be a convicted felon
WHAT time is involved
Training Class 3-3.5 hr class offered Mon-Sat, mornings, afternoons and evenings
Monday Night Organizational Meeting 6:30pm – 9pm
Election Day 5:30am – 9pm
HOW MUCH am I paid
PEOs make from $225.00 (regular Poll Worker) to $275.00(Voting Location Manager). This includes training class, Monday Night Meeting and Election Day.
HOW to Become a PEO
Complete the PID application and read the informational pages included. Please mail the application to our office at 4700 Smith Road, Cincinnati, OH 45212
For more information, please contact us:
Jason Weaver
Precinct Election Official Supervisor
Phone: (513) 946-8541 or Email:[email protected]
Hayley Dressler
Precinct Election Official Supervisor
Phone (513) 946-8542 or Email: [email protected]
Apply Now