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Voters, Check Your Mailbox for Absentee Ballot Applications

September 1, 2022

Voters, Check Your Mailbox for Absentee Ballot Applications

September 1, 2022


1 September 2022

Contact: Sherry L. Poland, Director, 513-632-7077
Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director, 513-632-7011

Voters, Check Your Mailbox for Absentee Ballot Applications

Hamilton County, OH - Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose announced that every registered voter in Ohio will soon receive an absentee ballot application in the mail.

The Secretary of State’s absentee application will be pre-filled with the voter’s name and address (as it appears in the Statewide Voter Registration Database). This is not a ballot. To receive a ballot, the voter must provide date of birth, identification, and signature before sealing the application and submitting it to the Board of Elections. This can be in person or by mail, with the voter affixing postage.

“Hamilton County voters have the choice to vote by mail, early in-person, or at their polling place on Election Day,” says Director Sherry Poland. “We encourage all voters to make a plan to vote in the November 8, 2022 General Election.”

“Before sending in your application, make sure your voter registration is up to date,” says Deputy Director Alex Linser. “You can check your registration and view your sample ballot on our website,” The deadline to update voter registrations for the November 8 General Election is Tuesday, October 11, 2022.

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[A jpg sample of what voters will receive is with this release.]

[Page 2 sample of what voters will receive is with this release.]

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