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September 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2020

September 8, 2020 Meeting Minutes

September 8, 2020


I. Call Meeting to Order at 8:30am

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Proper notice given as required under O.R.C. 121.22

IV. Approve: Board Meeting Minutes: August 17, 2020

V. Appoint: Precinct Election Officials

VI. Update: November 3, 2020 Presidential Election Planning

VII. Approve: Personnel Policy

VIII. Other Business

IX. Adjourn Next Meeting:

Regular Meeting: Tuesday, October 13, 2020 at 8:30am



The meeting of the Hamilton County Board of Elections was called to order at 8:30am by Chair Gwen McFarlin. Present were members Mr. Triantafilou and Mr. Faux; Mr. Gerhardt was not present and his absence was excused. Also present: Director Sherry Poland and Deputy Director Sally Krisel and David Stevenson with the Hamilton County Prosecutor's office. Due to Social Distancing and limited space in the Board Meeting Room, the meeting was live streamed for public viewing.

Ms. McFarlin noted that proper notice was duly provided as required by O.R.C. 121.22. Ms. McFarlin opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.


Mr. Triantafilou made a motion to approve the Board Meeting Minutes for August 17, 2020; Mr. Faux seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


The Board reviewed the list of Precinct Election Officials recruited/hired to date. Staff advised that 87% of the total number required has been hired and is being scheduled for training. The Board is required to appoint the Precinct Election Officials by September 15th.

Mr. Triantaftlou made a motion to appoint those PEOs listed and to allow Staff to continue to fill vacancies as needed; Mr. Faux seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


The Board was advised that planning for the November 2020 Presidential Election continues. Ms. Poland updated the Board on several items:

1. PEO recruitment:

Staff continues the ongoing efforts for PEO recruitment. Online training is set to begin September 18th• In person "Train the Trainer" is scheduled to begin September 28th and in person poll worker training is scheduled to begin October 1st• PEOs who were trained in November and/or March may utilize online training; new poll workers must attend in-person training.

2. Absentee Ballot Application Update:

Absentee Ballot Applications are being processed daily; Staff has processed approximately 77,000 to date. The Secretary of State mailing of Absentee applications to all registered voters is expected to result in a spike in applications. Additional temporary staff for AV processing is in place and a phone bank is set up to field questions regarding Absentee voting. Staff is up to date in the processing of the Absentee ballot applications. The website is updated each morning so voters may track the status of their applications. UOCAVA ballots will begin being mailed September 18th; all other ballots will begin being mailed October 6th.

3. Chair McFarlin and Mr. Triantafilou toured the early vote center prior to the meeting.

The addition of this new early vote center will more than double the space for early voting. The Board was provided a diagram of the layout. Some items are still being considered and finalized including parking and campaign zone options. Staff plans to distribute the layout and plan to all campaigns so they understand the new process. Sheriff's Deputies and/or Norwood Police Officers will be utilized to help control the flow of traffic throughout the entire early voting period.

Mr. Faux expressed concern over parking; Ms. Poland advised that there would be approximately 75 parking spaces available for voter parking as well as the parking garage across the street for additional free parking.

Ms. McFarlin had some questions about the hiring of temporary staff and the process for background checks. Ms. Poland advised that pursuant to Board policy, all temporary staff have local and state background checks performed before they start work.

4. An overview of the number of Poll workers per precinct was provided:

Previously we utilized either 4 or 6 per precinct for single polling locations (1 precinct). For this election we are recruiting 6 per precinct for single precincts and 4 per precinct for multiple precincts with the greatest number being in quad precincts (4 precincts) where there would be 16 poll workers. A voting location manager for each polling location is included in this number.

The Board was advised that a postcard would be mailed to every registered voter to advise them of their precinct and polling location and the hours of operation on Election Day. In addition, the postcard will include a brief description of the safety measures that will be conducted in their polling location throughout the day. These postcards will be mailed the first week in October.

This information is also available to voters on our website. The Board was advised that sample ballots will be available on our website beginning September 18th.


Due to the overwhelming time commitment of the elections this year and the prohibition of staff to take vacation time, Staff is requesting the Board approve the request to grant a six (6) month extension to any BOE employee who will lose their vacation time in 2020 due to accrual limits.

Mr. Triantafilou made a motion to approve the revision to the Personnel policy; Mr. Faux seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Faux raised the subject of additional drop boxes. He noted the previous discussion among the Board concerning this subject and instruction from the Secretary of State that Boards of Elections are not permitted to add drop boxes; he also noted the pending court case on the subject.

Mr. Faux suggested considering the feasibility of a bipartisan team to travel to predetermined locations in a van to collect voted ballots as a way to help voters avoid traveling to the BOE offices to drop off their voted ballot or to use the Postal services for same. It was suggested that this equates to a "drop box on wheels".

Ms. Poland indicated hesitation as to this being something we would legally be permitted to do.

Mr. Triantafilou indicated his opposition to adding additional burden to staff citing the multiple options and ease for voters to vote in Hamilton County; agreeing with the sentiment that this is a "rolling drop box" and suggesting this as a way to circumvent what has already been clearly annunciated by the Secretary of State. Mr. Triantafilou also noted the absence of Mr. Gerhardt and suggested that any continued discussion of this subject occur with the full complement of the Board.

Mr. Faux indicated he did not intend to bring a motion today.

Ms. McFarlin offered the opportunity for the audience to address the Board. Mr. Joseph Janus, Jr. addressed the Board with comments.

At the request of Ms. McFarlin, an overview of the processes in place with respect to receiving and processing absentee ballot request forms and receiving and processing returned voted ballots was presented.

There being no further business to come before the Board, Mr. Triantaftlou made a motion to adjourn; Mr. Faux seconded. The motion passed unanimously.


APPROVED DATE: October 13, 2020

CHAIR: Gwen McFarlin

DIRECTOR: Sherry L. Poland