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Where in the world is the ballot I requested?

April 9, 2020

Where in the world is the ballot I requested?

April 9, 2020

April 9, 2020

Where in the world is the ballot I requested?

The Hamilton County Board of Elections has been processing thousands of absentee ballot applications daily since the March 17th Primary Election was extended to April 28th. Beginning on March 30th , thousands of ballots have been mailed to county voters.

However, some absentee ballot request forms have been held up because the required information is not on the form. The most common error for this Primary Election is when a voter fails to indicate which ballot they want:

Democratic/Issues or Republican/Issues or Libertarian/Issues or Issues Only

(A Primary Election is where parties nominate their candidates for the November 3rd General Election and you can only select one ballot style.)

Please review the absentee ballot request form carefully when filling it out, so that it can be processed quickly. If you submitted a request form and have not received a ballot – What should you do?

  • The board has a link on its website Home page: Track Your Absentee ballot – This can provide information about your specific ballot.
  • You can also contact the board by phone at 632-7000 or on the website Contact Us page

You can download an absentee ballot request form from the board’s website, call 632-7000 to have a form sent to you. Or, you may pick up a request form at these local Kroger stores:

Anderson: 7580 Beechmont
Blue Ash: 4100 Hunt Road
Cleves: 4001 State Route 128
Colerain: 3636 Springdale Road
Delhi: 5080 Delhi Pike
Downtown: 100 E Court Street
Forest Park: 1212 W Kemper
Harrison: 10477 Harrison
Hyde Park: 3760 Paxton
Madeira: 6950 Miami Avenue
North College Hill: 7132 Hamilton
Northside: 4777 Kenard
Oakley: 4613 Marburg
Price Hill: 3609 Warsaw
Woodlawn: 10595 Springfield Pike

For the extended March 17 Primary Election, voters have until noon on Saturday, April 25th to deliver the request form, but are urged to get their request forms in as soon as possible. After receiving a request form, the board will mail a ballot to all eligible voters with a postage-paid return envelope.

Follow all the latest Board of Elections news and information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our website:


Sherry L. Poland, Director
(513)-632-7077; [email protected]

Sally J. Krisel , Deputy Director
(513)-632-7011; [email protected]