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Message from Director and Deputy Director

March 11, 2020

Message from Director and Deputy Director

March 11, 2020

March 11, 2020

Message from Director, Sherry Poland and Deputy Director, Sally Krisel

Re: Hamilton County Board of Elections Response to Coronavirus Concerns


Relocation of Polling Locations in Residential Senior Citizen Facilities

On March 9, 2020, out of an abundance of caution, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered the relocation of polling locations in all residential senior citizen facilities. Twenty-six locations in Hamilton County were moved (see attached list).

  • Postcards with the address of the substitute polling location are being mailed to voters affected by the change. Voters should begin receiving the notices on Friday, March 13th
  • Voters should also confirm their polling location on the Board’s website: or call 632-7000
  • Signage will be placed at the former locations on Election Day to direct voters to the new polling locations
  • The Board of Elections is working with the residential senior centers to ensure their residents have the opportunity to vote early from their facility

Voting at Polling Places on Election Day

Election Day is different from other large public events or gatherings. Voting on Election Day takes place in small communities of neighbors who are more likely than not to interact in other ways every day – whether at the grocery store, in church, or elsewhere. Unlike large public events or gatherings, Election Day does not reflect a situation where bigger crowds from geographically different areas come into one tight space for hours at a time. Most voters are in and out of the location within a few minutes.

We are taking precautionary steps at all 332 polling locations by providing hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes for use on high touch areas (voting equipment, styli, pens, tables, and voting booths). Voters are welcome to bring their own pens into the voting booths (blue or black ink). Informational Sheets regarding everyday preventive actions to guard against the spread of illnesses are also being distributed to each polling location.

Polling locations that are housed in schools will remain polling locations on Election Day. Please review the attached Information Sheet developed in collaboration with the Ohio Secretary of State, Ohio Department of Education, and the Ohio Department of Health.

Voting Early at the Board of Elections & By Mail

Voters may also choose to vote early in-person at our facility at 4700 Smith Road in Norwood now through Monday, March 16th. Early voting hours are 8am to 7pm through Friday, March 13th; 8am – 4pm on Saturday, March 14th; 1pm – 5pm Sunday, March 15th; 8am – 2pm Monday, March 16th.

There is still time to request a ballot by mail but we encourage voters to act quickly. Applications must be received by noon on Saturday, March 14th. Ballots must be postmarked by March 16th or returned to the Board of Elections by 7:30pm March 17th by using our secure 24-hour drive-up drop box.

Precinct Election Officials (Poll Workers)

Many of our precinct election officials are over the age of 60 and some are deciding not to work this election. These individuals have served our county well for years. It is now time for younger and healthy adults to do their part in advancing democracy. Precinct Election Officials must attend a 4-hour training class at the Board of Elections, meet at their assigned polling location Monday, March 16th from 7pm – 9pm and work Election Day from 5:30am – approximately 8:30pm. Precinct Election Officials earn between $181.50 and $218.00. Please apply online at

We appreciate your cooperation and patience.

Sherry L. Poland
Sally J. Krisel Director Deputy Director


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