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HCBOE Recognized for Excellence in Election Administration with National Clearinghouse Award

May 29, 2024

HCBOE Recognized for Excellence in Election Administration with National Clearinghouse Award

May 29, 2024


May 29, 2024

Contact: Sherry L. Poland, Director,  513-632-7077

Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director,  513-632-7011

Hamilton County Board of Elections Recognized for Excellence in Election Administration with National Clearinghouse Award

One of 32 Programs Honored by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission for Innovation, Sustainability, and Replicability

The Hamilton County Board of Elections has been recognized for excellence in election administration with a national Clearinghouse Award for Best Practices for Recruiting, Retaining, and Training Poll Workers. Also known as the “Clearies,” the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC) presents the awards program annually to celebrate the challenging work of election offices across the country. Now in its eighth year, this year’s Clearie Awards honored programs that took place during the 2023 elections.

“This recognition confirms that our Poll Worker Training Department is continuously is among the most innovative in the nation,” says Director Sherry Poland. “We could not put on a successful election without well-trained poll workers.”

For the third year in a row, Hamilton County Board of Elections has won a Clearie. This is the fourth time overall that the Board has been recognized with this award.

The EAC recognized Hamilton County’s training program for incorporating its online training video library into the physical reference materials provided at the polling location. The program gives poll workers 24-7 access to refresher training materials, including on Election Day.

In 2023, the Board of Elections was recognized for its “Behind the Ballot” tours which give voters a “behind the scenes” look at election administration. In 2022, the Board of Elections was recognized for its voter education videos and social media presence.

“Hamilton County’s voters can be proud that our local election office has been recognized as a national leader three years in a row,” adds Deputy Director Alex Linser.

The Clearies play an essential role in fulfilling the EAC’s mission to serve as a clearinghouse for election administration information under the Help America Vote Act. The EAC is an independent, bipartisan federal agency solely focused on election administration. Submissions were judged on innovation, sustainability, outreach, cost-effectiveness, replicability, and the generation of positive results.

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