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Hamilton County BOE "Did You Know" Video Series Announced as 2022 Winner of the "Minuteman" Award

August 23, 2022

Hamilton County BOE "Did You Know" Video Series Announced as 2022 Winner of the "Minuteman" Award

August 23, 2022


23 August 2022

Contact: Sherry L. Poland, Director, 513-632-7077

Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director, 513-632-7011



Hamilton County, OH – The Hamilton County Board of Elections announced that it was named a 2022 Professional Practices Award Winner for their “Did You Know” Video Series on social media by the Election Center. The Election Center is the National Association of Election Officials.

The Professional Practices Award is a celebration of the best practices from small, medium, and large jurisdictions around the country. There are many award categories for this year’s awards. The “Minuteman” Award is given to a Board of Elections that shows efficient implementation on a topic. With the creation of the “Did You Know?” video series, our Communications and Compliance Officer filmed our staff during key election processes. By uncovering what happens behind the scenes at Boards of Elections, we demystify the Elections process.

This is the second time the Hamilton County Board of Elections has been awarded a national award for our social media campaign. We are very lucky to have received this award and look forward to continuing to grow our videos and transparency within the elections process.

Videos in Hamilton County’s “Did You Know” Video Series can be found on social media:

  • What Happens the Weekend Before Election Day
  • Logic And Accuracy Testing
  • Mock Elections
  • What is a Primary Election?
  • Post-Election Audits
  • Automatic Recounts
  • Preparing the Polling Place
  • Delivering of Voting Equipment
  • Absentee Ballot Processing
  • Preparing Supplies and Information
  • Hiring Poll Workers

“It is the responsibility of Boards of Elections to gain the trust of the voters by being open and explaining the safeguards in place to ensure safe and secure elections,” Director Sherry Poland explains. “We are excited to accept this award for pulling back the curtain behind your cast ballots.

“We want to make sure every single person understands the work and time that leads up to you casting your ballot and all that happens once you leave the polling place. It is our duty to make sure you have trust in the elections process.” Alex Linser, Deputy Director explains on why the Board began creating these videos.

Follow all the latest Board of Elections news and information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and our website


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