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Election Day Poll Workers Needed for March 19th Primary in Hamilton County

February 29, 2024

Election Day Poll Workers Needed for March 19th Primary in Hamilton County

February 29, 2024

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                                     

February 29, 2024


Sherry L. Poland, Director, 513-632-7077

Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director, 513-632-7011


Election Day Poll Workers Needed for March 19th Primary in Hamilton County

HAMILTON COUNTY, Ohio -- Tuesday, March 19th is the Presidential Primary Election and the Hamilton County Board of Elections is actively hiring registered voters to work as Election Day Precinct Election Officials at polling locations throughout Hamilton County.

“Poll Workers are a vital part of every election and approximately 2,400 are needed to fully staff a county-wide election. If you are interested in becoming a Poll Worker for the March 19th Presidential Primary, head to our website and apply today!” said Sherry Poland, Director.

“This year Poll Workers are getting a raise. PEOs now earn $225-$275 for training, set-up and working the polls on Election Day,” said Alex Linser, Deputy Director. “Serve your community and make a difference by signing up to be a Poll Worker.”

If you are interested in learning more about becoming a Poll Worker, apply on the Board of Elections website at

To be a PEO, one must:

  • Be a registered and active voter in Hamilton County
  • Be a United States citizen
  • Be comfortable using electronic technology
  • Be able to read, write and speak fluently in the English language
  • NOT be a candidate for any office to be voted on at the polling place at that election
  • NOT be a convicted felon

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PDF of Press Release