BOE Connect Request Form

Download Printable Forms Here

Click HERE if you would like to download  forms so you can print an unlimited number of them at your own discretion.

Event Attendance Cutoff Date: March 6th 2025

We will resume event attendance after the election cycle.

BOE Connect Request Form

If applicable
What is your need...(Required)
Click here if you would like to download forms so you can print an unlimited number of them at your own discretion.

Fill out this section if you are requesting voter materials.

If you are asking for more than 1,000 copies of a form there may be a charge. Price is 5 cents per copy.
What materials do you need?
If what you need is not listed above, type that here.

Fill out below if you are requesting staff to attend your event.

Note: We will not be attending events after March 6th, in preparation for the election. We will resume event attendance after the conclusion of the election. While we attempt to attend as many events as possible, staff may not always be available to attend.
(Event type, purpose, description, etc.)
I understand that the Hamilton County Board of Elections does not always have staff available to attend all events.