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August 2 Primary Election

July 26, 2022

August 2 Primary Election

July 26, 2022


  26 July 2022                         

Contact: Sherry L. Poland, Director, 513-632-7077

Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director, 513-632-7011



Hamilton County, OH – The second Primary Election of 2022 is on Tuesday, August 2, 2022. Voters will have the option to choose nominees for State Legislators and State Senate, and elect State Central Committee members.

What is a Primary?

In a Primary, parties nominate candidates to advance to the November 8 General Election. It is also how Ohio voters choose their party affiliation by selecting a Democrat or Republican ballot. To see your sample ballot, visit, scroll to “Find Sample Ballot” in the blue search box, and follow the instructions to see what you will vote on.

Be a Precinct Election Official

“Become a part of your election process by serving as a Precinct Election Official,” says Director Sherry Poland. “The Hamilton County Board of Elections has openings and there is still time to apply. Precinct Election Officials play a critical role in the elections process.” For details, visit or call us at 513-632-7000.

Absentee and Early Voting

Absentee Voting has already begun. Voters must apply for an Absentee Ballot before receiving one by mail. The application can be found on our website or by calling 513-632-7000. Your completed application must be received at the Board of Elections by noon on July 30th. The voted ballot must be returned to the Board in Norwood before 7:30 pm on election night. If mailed, it must be postmarked on or before August 1 and received at the Board office by August 12.

Early Voting at the Board at 4700 Smith Road, Norwood began July 6. Extended hours this week are:

  • Monday – Friday, July 25-29: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m.
  • Saturday, July 30: 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.
  • Sunday, July 31: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.
  • Monday, Aug. 1: 8 a.m. – 2 p.m.

The Early Voting calendar is attached for your convenience.

Vote on Election Day by finding your polling location at Scroll to “Find Your Polling Place” in the blue search box.

“We encourage voters to make use of our secure 24-hour Drop Box,” says Deputy Director Alex Linser. “It is onsite at the Hamilton County Board of Elections in Norwood, and you can safely deposit absentee applications or voted absentee ballots.”

Find the latest Board news and information on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and


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