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March 12, 2021 Meeting Notice

March 12, 2021

March 12, 2021 Meeting Notice

March 12, 2021

March 12, 2021 Meeting Notice



Pursuant to Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code, you are hereby notified of the following meeting of the Hamilton County Board of Elections:

The meeting will be held at the

Hamilton County Board of Elections Board Room

4700 Smith Road

Cincinnati, OH  45212

*Please Note:  There is limited space in the Board Meeting Room due to social distancing.  The meeting may also be viewed at:

The date and purpose of the meeting is as follows:

Friday, March 12, 2021 at 2:30pm

  1. Review: Insufficient Cincinnati Mayoral Candidate Petitions
  2. Protest Hearing: Adam Koehler
  3. Protest Hearing: Kelli Prather
  4. Certification: Charter Amendment
  5. Resolution: Authorizing Execution of Equipment Delivery Contract
  6. Approval: Full Time Staff Appointment

Sherry L. Poland, Director of Elections


Board Members:

Gwen L. McFarlin

Alex Triantafilou

Charles H. Gerhardt III

Joseph L. Mallory