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Introducing Raquel Burgos as the New Deputy Director at the Hamilton County Board of Elections

February 11, 2025

Introducing Raquel Burgos as the New Deputy Director at the Hamilton County Board of Elections

February 11, 2025


February 11, 2025


Sherry L. Poland, Director, 513-632-7077
Raquel D. Burgos, Deputy Director, 513-632-7011

Introducing Raquel Burgos as the New Deputy Director at the Hamilton County Board of Elections

HAMILTON COUNTY, Ohio – We are excited to introduce our new Deputy Director, Raquel Burgos, who has dedicated over 12 years working at the Hamilton County Board of Elections.

“We are thrilled to have Raquel as our next Deputy Director! She has worked hard to provide free and fair elections to voters in Hamilton County for years, and we cannot wait to see her work continue.” said Sherry Poland, Director.

“I am honored to take on this new role and am excited to work with our staff to uphold Hamilton County's gold standard in election administration.” said Raquel Burgos, Deputy Director.

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Sherry L. Poland                                                 Raquel D. Burgos
Director of Elections                                          Deputy Director of Elections


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