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Election Night Reporting - For Planning Purposes Only

April 27, 2022

Election Night Reporting - For Planning Purposes Only

April 27, 2022


Contact: Sherry L. Poland, Director, 632-7077
Alexander F. Linser, Deputy Director, 632-7011

Election Night Reporting - For Planning Purposes Only

Below is an explanation of Election Night Reporting for the May 3, 2022 Primary Election.

The Hamilton County Board of Elections will post results for Hamilton County only on the board’s site periodically throughout election night:

For aggregate totals of state-wide contests, please refer to the Ohio Secretary of State’s site:

Please note that congressional results will not be included in the Election Night Reporting on the Secretary of State’s website. Congressional results will be available on each county’s board of elections website throughout Election Night.
• First Congressional = Hamilton (most populous) and Warren Counties
• Eighth Congressional = Hamilton, Butler (most populous), Darke, Miami, and Preble

Those websites can be found by visiting To tabulate congressional vote totals on the night of the election, one would add the vote totals recorded in each of the county board sites from the counties within a given congressional district. The aggregate total for the First congressional race will be available on Hamilton County’s site by 10:00 a.m. on May 4, 2022.

The aggregate total for the Eighth congressional race will be available by 10:00am on May 4, 2022 by visiting the Butler County Board of Elections website .

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